This plate of salmon 🐟 goodness is where it’s at! Toaster oven salmon with roasted broccoli..


This plate of salmon 🐟 goodness is where it’s at! Toaster oven salmon with roasted broccoli πŸ₯¦, crispy chili roasted chickpeas, half an avocado πŸ₯‘ and baby kale πŸ₯¬ tossed in olive oil, lemon juice πŸ‹, pecorino cheese πŸ§€ and cracked black pepper.  For the salmon, place on a sheet pan over lemon slices, season with garlic powder, black pepper, sea salt and olive oil. Bake in oven or toaster oven on 425 for 12-15 minutes depending on the size of the salmon or air fry in a 390-400 F preheated air fryer for 12-15 minutes. Hope you’re having a great day!

This plate of salmon 🐟 goodness is where it’s at! Toaster oven salmon with roasted broccoli πŸ₯¦, crispy chili roasted chickpeas, half an avocado πŸ₯‘ and baby kale πŸ₯¬ tossed in olive oil, lemon juice πŸ‹, pecorino cheese πŸ§€ and cracked black pepper. 
For the salmon, place on a sheet pan over lemon slices, season with garlic powder, black pepper, sea salt and olive oil. Bake in oven or toaster oven on 425 for 12-15 minutes depending on the size of the salmon or air fry in a 390-400 F preheated air fryer for 12-15 minutes.
Hope you’re having a great day!

This plate of salmon 🐟 goodness is where it’s at! Toaster oven salmon with roasted broccoli.. This plate of salmon 🐟 goodness is where it’s at! Toaster oven salmon with roasted broccoli.. Reviewed by EL KATIBI MARIA on October 15, 2023 Rating: 5

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