Prost eating to the million way and frame lastly the cash of the book, what he said after a greater amount of the experience is not contrasted with Prust Tani on the grounds that each place has its own particular taste, yet it is imperative taste to save you any Brousted Tani
Chicken pieces 1000 grams for 8 pieces
2 cups white flour
1 cup yellow corn flour
Outstanding Starch
Hanging Bucking Powder
Liter milk
Large vinegar hung
1 Hanging Large Garlic Powder
1 Suspended Large Onion Powder
1 Hanging Big Curry
1 comment Big babrika
1 large black pepper
Hanging small salt
Coriander Brush
Garlic powder
Onion Powder
black pepper
Text suspended large salt
Seasoning Cover material:
frying oil
How to prepare
Hnjip Fargha Kilo or less 8 pieces cut and washed by Koyes Palme and flour and soak 3 hours in the water and vinegar and salt and lemon after Kdh Nshilha and wash it Tani Bam
A plate of basil powder, garlic powder, curry, black pepper, salt, paprika, coriander powder, and raisin, tossed and roasted, chilled and roasted in chicks, not less than 12 hours long and served with small cracks in the knife.
We have a second dish and dip in it two cubits of flour and cubes of yellow flour, and a large suspension of baking powder and the same spices to cut it in the chicks, weaning them on the flour and stir them choise, and we know the chicks and dip them in the flour and stir them so that they are coiled from all sides and we get them in a quarter of an hour.
We are equipped with a solution of the oil and the operators of fire at the highest degree of temperature and before we cut the chick with 5 minutes Noti fire on the need less (very very very differed) and come down with the chicks in the oil will be about 12-15 minutes to the extent that the color is appropriate as pictures we see her half in the oil And we shall be the elders of the chick before it, and lay it in the oven for ten minutes, and for a while, and for us

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