Boulettes de poulet sauce crémeuse


Boulettes de poulet sauce crémeuse

Ingredients: For 6 people

For poultices:

500 g of poultry blanc

1 mouth of the hachée

1 petit oignon râpé

1/2 cup in a coffee pot

1/2 cup in a cup of coffee

1/2 cup in a cup of coffee

1/2 cup in a basilic style café

1 cup of fresh persimmon soup

1 ouuf

3 cups of soup

50 g of raw material

1/2 cup in a cup of water (paprika)

Then you will get what you want

Farine to enrober

2 cups of olive oil soup

1 cup of beer

For the sauce to the cream:

1 petit oignon haché

2 mouthfuls of hachées

1 cup of soup

3 cups of soup with soy sauce

1 cup of water or a bottle of water (150 ml)

2 cups of fresh persimmon soup

1/2 cup in a basilic coffee shop

1/2 cup in a coffee shop

1/2 cup in a gingerbread café

1 cup of beer

250 ml of the cream enters the liquid

Sel and poivre


For poultices:

In a large salad, with heavy poultry blancs (in a hachoir or your boucher), the chapel, the “ouuf”, the “oignon râpé”, the mouth of the haché, the poudre d’oignon et d’ail, The oregano and the basic style, the persil, the rapeseed, the paprika, 1/2 c. At the café and the poivre. Melanger the whole way.

Façonner des poulettes à l’aide des mains légèrement mouillées puis enrober les bouulettes in the laine, réserver.

Have a large poêle in the future and eat the air and drink. Transfer the bowls from the pool and run for 5 minutes to the first place, then return and return for 3 minutes, or when all the hot ones dorées from all of the places, remove them and save them in one place.

For the sauce to the cream:

When the mother is in the house, keep the beer, bring the oignon and the other hatches to work for 3 minutes until they are inserted 1 c. Add fresh soup and continue mixing for 1 minute. Incorporate all the water or volaille bouillon, the soy sauce and remove it until the mixture begins to dry. Ajouter the liquid cream and asaisonner of ginger, poivre, sel, oregano and basilic séchés.

Porter the sauce to ébullition puis to include the poulettes of the pot, and the return to bring in the sauce, cover and cook for 2 to 3 minutes until the sauce is cooked and the bouulettes are ready.

One of the fois of the poulettes sont cuites, retirer du feu and saupoudrer de persil friis ciselé.

Server can accommodate the rice or the bread.

Boulettes de poulet sauce crémeuse

Boulettes de poulet sauce crémeuse Boulettes de poulet sauce crémeuse Reviewed by EL KATIBI MARIA on March 31, 2024 Rating: 5

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