Brown Sugar Ham Glaze

Brown Sugar Ham Glaze

Brown Sugar Ham Glaze made from brown sugar, orange juice, honey, and spices is the PERFECT addition to a holiday ham and only takes 5 minutes to make!



▢1 cup light brown sugar packed

▢1/2 cup orange juice

▢1/2 cup honey

▢1 teaspoon cinnamon

▢1/2 teaspoon cloves


Bring the ingredients to a boil together on medium heat and cook for 3-4 minutes to thicken before pouring onto ham and baking.

If it cools too much it can harden, just reheat to loosen.

Brown Sugar Ham Glaze


Note: click on times in the instructions to start a kitchen timer while cooking.

Brown Sugar Ham Glaze  Brown Sugar Ham Glaze Reviewed by EL KATIBI MARIA on February 04, 2024 Rating: 5

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