1 band d'épinards
1 ⁄2 oignon harvest finement
1 touch of light
2 cups of soup in the soup
1 cup in a coffee shop
1 cuillère in Knorrox café stocked with a bowl of vegetable curry
1 ⁄2 cup of champignons in tranches
2 cups of beer
Sel and poivre
Method par
Vaporize the pendant pendants for 2 minutes, remove and touch the skin.
In a large poêle faire fondre the beer, bring the oignon and the oil, the champignons, use that which you choose/ eat the food.. See the food and remove it to continue using the blanche sauce Devienne épaisse, Assaisonnez de sel et poivre.
Add the leftovers to the blanche sauce, add the Knorrox powder and remove the doucement to combine. Benefit more!

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